6 Tips to Make More Money As A Freelancer
If you’re self-employed or a freelancer, the ability to make more money is in your hands. The problem is that many freelance jobs don’t pay well and it can be difficult to find new clients. In this post, we’re going over 6 simple ways to make more money as a freelancer. Whether you’re a writer, social media specialist, graphic designer, or programmer these tips are designed to help you out! You might not get rich overnight but they will help you build up passive income so that someday you can.
Find out your freelance niche
One of the best ways to make more money as a freelancer is to find your niche. There are so many different kinds of freelancers out there that it can be confusing on what you should specialize in. To find your niche, think about what your best skill set is and then narrow it down from there. It’s important to have some kind of specialization so you can get better at that one thing and make more money doing it. Next, expand on your skillset by adding some other skills or talents. If you’re a graphic designer, for example, you could consider developing video editing skills as well.
Be more productive with your time
One of the best ways to make more money as a freelancer is to be more productive with your time.
Freelancing means that you are responsible for being self-sufficient and finding work. In order to do this, you need to know what your strengths are and market those skills. You might not have the opportunity for a traditional job that comes with set hours and paid vacations, but there are ways to make up for it. To be more productive with your time, create a detailed plan of how you want to spend your day. For example, if writing is one of your strong suits, then get up early each morning and write from 6 am-8 am before checking e-mail or social media accounts. This will let you take advantage of your most productive hours without distractions!
Follow your client’s lead
Freelancers should follow their client’s lead. One of the common mistakes that freelancers make is to discuss what they want to do, instead of listening to what the client needs. For example, if a client needs someone to write an article on a certain topic, you should offer your services as a writer and not try to offer your services as a marketer.
Negotiate better rates
Negotiate better rates with your clients. If you have a client who’s always lowballing you, negotiate for a higher rate in the future. If they refuse, that’s okay. You can just tell them that you need to move on to other projects and find new clients who will give you the price you deserve. Keep in mind though, if you do want to stay with that client, just be sure to renegotiate your rate every now and then so they don’t get too used to paying less than what’s fair for your work.
Strengthen your portfolio
One of the most important things to do is to build a strong portfolio that showcases your work. You can use your portfolio as a marketing tool to help prospective clients see your work, which includes past projects and testimonials from past clients. This will allow them to get a better idea of what you offer and make it easier for them to hire you.
It’s important that you are always updating your portfolio with new projects and clients. That way, when people come back to visit your site they can see all the recent work you’ve completed. Plus, having a robust project list will make it easier for prospective clients to see how much experience you have in certain areas like design or SEO.
Sell yourself on social media
One way to make more money as a freelancer is by selling yourself on social media. If you’re not taking the time to post about your work, then other people won’t know about it. And if you don’t promote your work, then no one will hire you.
If you take the time to post about your work and provide an inside look at what you do on social media, people might be interested in hiring you for jobs. One of my favorite posts is from illustrator Danilo Martin who posts pictures of his process while illustrating children’s books. He posts pictures of sketches, color palettes, and finished pieces that give potential clients a window into his process—and his work looks amazing!
By connecting with people on social media and providing insight into how your work process works, you can make more money as a freelancer. Plus, posting about your freelance projects can help build up passive income for when times are tough or if something comes up unexpectedly.
Freelancing can be a great way to make money and work for yourself. But it isn’t always easy to get started, and there is always the risk of things slowing down. So before you make the jump, be sure to do your research and prepare yourself for success with these six tips!